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10 Outdoor DIY Projects That Inspire Beauty and Relaxation

Whether you have a huge outdoor living space or just a small yard, there are many things that you can do to those spaces to inspire you to get outdoors. With a little time, a few supplies and some creativity, you can create a beautiful outdoor living area that will bring your family together and be the envy of all your neighbors.

We have collected 10 beautiful and relatively easy DIY projects that will help you to improve your outdoor living spaces. From do-it-yourself pergolas and fireplaces to benches and outdoor furniture, you are sure to find something that will inspire relaxation in your outdoor spaces.

Many of these projects can be done in a weekend so when the weather warms up a bit, head outside and begin building your dream relaxation area. You are sure to find the perfect outdoor project that will be a hit with guests and give you a wonderful place to relax and unwind at the end of the day.

DIY Pergola

Pergolas are the epitome of outdoor living and relaxation. While this structure won’t help you to ward off rain or keep the sun out of your eyes, it does make your home look more attractive and will allow you to define your outdoor spaces a bit. This is an easy project that can be completed in a weekend and pergolas are great for climbing plants or hanging flowers. You can alter the plans just a bit if needed to make the pergola a bit larger.
Project Details: Popularmechanics

DIY Outdoor Kitchen

You know you want to be cooking outdoors when the weather permits, so why not build your own unique outdoor kitchen? You will need the basic outdoor grilling supplies like a grill and mini fridge if you want to incorporate one. The plan helps you to completely build the outdoor kitchen structure and then you just have to drop your appliances in when you are finished.
Project Details: Builddirect

DIY Chaise Lounge

What could possibly be better at the end of a long day than relaxing on your own comfortable chaise lounge? This project is really easy and can be completed in less than a weekend. You can alter the plans to make the lounge larger if you want it to hold two people instead of one. When you are finished, just add the cushion or if you really want to DIY it, you could make your own cushion.
Project Details: Ana-white

DIY Wrap Around Tree Bench

Sitting under the tree is very relaxing and you can do it when you build this wrap around tree bench. It takes just a few supplies and is very easy to do. If you have a favorite tree in your yard, build this bench around it and make it everyone’s favorite. Note that if you are building the bench around a younger tree, you do have to make it a bit larger to allow for future growth.
Project Details: Thisoldhouse

DIY Garden Bench

Concrete garden benches are lovely and very sturdy. You can build one, or more than one if you want, and add grace and charm to your outdoor living area. Even if you have never worked with concrete before, the plans for this bench are very easy. You can do these in various different sizes and have them sitting all around your flower garden.
Project Details: Traditionaloven

DIY Gazebo

A gazebo is a wonderful place to sit and relax, visit with friends or host BBQs during warmer weather. While these structures are normally a bit expensive, you can build one yourself and save money. This is a bit more complicated than some other outdoor structures but it can be done even by those who have never done their own building before. Once you have it finished, you can stain or paint it any color that you want and have a wonderful place for outdoor relaxing.
Project Details: Handymanclub

DIY Beach Bar

Even if you don’t tend to mix up cocktails, a beach bar is a great addition to your outdoor living spaces. This would look great next to a pool or if you don’t have a pool, just add it to your deck. The bar is made from old wooden pallets, which are inexpensive and half the building is already done for you. This is the perfect project for a weekend and gives you a great place to serve up that ice cold lemonade during the hot summer months.
Project Details: Survivefrance

DIY Garden Shed

While you may not want to relax inside your garden shed, just knowing that you have a place to store all those garden tools is sure to give you a little peace of mind. Plus, keeping the lawn mower, weed eater and other tools out of the yard will make it look more attractive so you can relax when you are sitting outside because the clutter will all be hidden away.
Project Details: Familyhandyman

DIY Outdoor Sectional

This outdoor sectional is the perfect place to relax, entertain guests or simply sit and watch the world go by. It is made from 2X4s and really easy to put together. The best part is you can make it as large or as small as you want and once you have finished with the building process, you can stain or paint it however you want so that it matches your home’s exterior. Add some cushions and you are all set for relaxing.
Project Details: Morelikehome

DIY Privacy Planter

Privacy is important and if you live really close to your neighbors, a privacy screen will help you to be a bit more relaxed. This great privacy screen also doubles as a planter so you can sit inside your own little world and gaze at your favorite hanging plants. This is a really neat project that you can make from old closet doors and it takes very little time so you can finish it up over the weekend.
Project Details: Tatertotsandjello

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