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Guilt Free Chocolate Truffles

These truffles are creamy, chocolaty and decadent... and about 55 calories each!

Prep time:10 mins
Serves: About 12 truffles

½ cup good quality chocolate chips (we use Ghirardelli 60% Cacao)
1 tbs all natural almond butter (or peanut butter)
¼ cup fat free Greek yogurt (we use Chobani)
⅓ cup good quality unsweetened cocoa powder (we use Ghirardelli Unsweetened Cocoa Powder)

1/Melt chocolate chips in the microwave (at 20 second intervals) or on a double boiler
2/While the chocolate is still warm, stir in almond butter and mix until well incorporated
3/Carefully fold in Greek yogurt, mix well and refrigerate for about 15 minutes, until it starts to harden
4/Working with approximately 1 tablespoon at a time, form truffles, roll them in unsweetened cocoa powder and refrigerate until ready to serve

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