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The Turkish Borek With Cheese And Spinach

The Turkish Borek With Cheese And Spinach.

The Cheese Borek is a tradional Turkish food. It is easy to prepare and very delicious! You are going to love it for sure.


-Algelash chips or phyllo pastry (they must be out of the fridge the day before)
-3 spoons of oil
-Half a cup of skimmed milk
-1 big egg and 2 egg yolks
-2 tablespoons of yogurt
-1/2 teaspoon salt
-1/2 teaspoon black pepper

Fillers Ingredients:
-Half a kilo of spinach, washed and chopped
-A medium-sized onion, chopped into small pieces
-1 spoon of olive oil
-1/4 salt spoon 
-1/4 black pepper spoon
-2 tablespoons nigella sativa (black cumin seeds)
-1 cup of feta cheese

Preparating Fillers:
-In a large, deep skillet, heat the olive oil over moderate heat. Add the chopped onion and stir frequently until it becomes slightly yellow.
-Put Spinach on the onion with the addition of salt and black pepper.
-Put the lid on the mixture and leave it to simmer over medium heat for at least 5 minutes. Then, turn it off leaving it uncovered to cool.
-After the Spinach is cooled, place it in a refinery and squeeze it till you liquidate its water.
-Bring feta cheese and cut it into small pieces and leave it in the mixture for a little while.

The Turkish Borek With Cheese And Spinach.

The Turkish Borek With Cheese And Spinach.


1-In a deep bowl, whisk a whole egg with milk, yogurt, and oil, adding salt and black pepper and mix them well. 

2-Paint the baking tray with oil. 

3-Lay 2 sheets of yufka (phyllo pastry/ Algelash) in the baking tray after brushing them with the egg mixture. 

4- Repeat the previous step each time you put Algelash papers till you reach half the amount of the Algelash. 

5- Then, place a layer of the cooked spinach on the Algelash paper and spread the feta cheese on top of it. 

6- Continue to add the rest of the Algelash layers repeating step 3. 

7-After finishing, cover the baking tray and put it in the fridge for 2h (at least). 

8- Preheat the oven to 350°C and take out the try from the fridge. 

9-Cut the dough into pieces, then paint the face with the egg yolk and add the nigella sativa on the top. 

10-Put the baking tray in the oven for 30-35 mins.

The Turkish Borek With Cheese And Spinach.

The Turkish Borek With Cheese And Spinach.

The Turkish Borek With Cheese And Spinach.

The Turkish Borek With Cheese And Spinach.

Enjoy your meal 
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